Thursday, July 29, 2004

Cloud Hands Manhattan and Cloud Hands New Jersey

At the 25th Tai Chi Friends Reunion banquet, June 25, 2004.
Nancy & Peter 2
Originally uploaded by Michael Banister.

Two Artists

At the 25th Tai Chi Friends Reunion banquet, June 25, 2004.
Gloria & Brian
Originally uploaded by Michael Banister.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Mirror, Mirror

Before heading off to the 25th Annual Cloud Hands West Tai Chi Friends Banquet, Nancy enjoys an appetite suppressant in West Oakland, the site of Gloria and Brian's masterpiece-in-progress.
Nancy in the mirror
Originally uploaded by Michael Banister.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Pat And The Technicolor Dream Quilt

Pat Coen spent many, many hours, nay, weeks, working on this masterpiece. It is now available for viewing at Cloud Hands West.
Pat & Reunion Quilt in the Capri Motel
Originally uploaded by Michael Banister.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

On The Beach

The "new guy" with the CEO of Cloud Hands Manhattan, checking out the real estate in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Nancy & Peter
Originally uploaded by Michael Banister.

Cloud Hands East and West

Nancy of Cloud Hands Manhattan, and Nora of Cloud Hands West, with other Tai Chi-ers in the background, at Delancey Street for breakfast after the 25th Reunion.
Nancy & Nora
Originally uploaded by Michael Banister.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Lee's annual Mural Walk

During the 25th Annual Taichi Friends Reunion in Fort Mason, San Francisco, Lee took a bunch of us on his famous Mural Walk through the Mission District.
Lee Mike Nora Nancy
Originally uploaded by Michael Banister.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Wednesday practice, 25th Reunion 2004

Golden Gate Tai Chi
Originally uploaded by Michael Banister.

Lee's Little Princess Grace of Zimbabwe

Our very own Lee Zeigler's granddaughter, Grace, showing her political savvy.
Grace As A Hippie
Originally uploaded by Michael Banister.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Shirley You Jest (first in a series of jokes by the inimitable Shirley Rise)

Far away in the tropical waters of the Caribbean, two prawns were swimming around in the sea-one called Justin and the other called Christian. The prawns were constantly being harassed and threatened by sharks that patrolled the area.

Finally Justin said to Christian. " I'm bored and frustrated at being a prawn, I wish I was a shark, then I wouldn't have any worries about being eaten..." As Justin had his mind firmly on becoming a predator, a Mysterious cod appears and says, " your wish is granted" and lo and behold, Justin turned into a shark. Horrified, Christian immediately swam away, afraid of being eaten by his old mate.

Time went on (as it invariably does), and Justin found himself becoming bored and lonely as a shark. All his old mates simply swam away whenever he came close to them. Justin didn't realize that his new menacing appearance was the cause of his sad plight. While out swimming alone one day he sees the mysterious cod again and can't believe his luck. Justin figured that the fish could change him back into a prawn. He begs the cod to change him back so, lo and behold, he is turned back into a prawn.

With tears of joy in his tiny little eyes, Justin swam back to his friends and bought them all a cocktail. Looking around the gathering at the reef, he searched for his old pal. "Where's Christian? he asked. "He's at home, distraught that his best friend changed sides to the enemy and became a shark", came the reply. Eager to put things right again and end the mutual pain and torture, he set off to Christian's house.

As he opened the coral gate the memories came flooding back. He banged on the door and shouted. "It's me, Justin, your old friend, come out and see me again!" Christian replied "No way man, you'll eat me. You’re a shark, the enemy and I'll not be tricked." Justin cried back " No, that was the old me, I’ve changed" (wait for it). “I've found Cod, I'm a prawn again Christian.”

Between Heaven And Earth

Between heaven and earth, there exists a life force or energy, called chi, which is somewhat like steam to a steamboat. Chi serves to make things move or bounce. It is the chi that makes the tai chi movement light and nimble, change and grow. It is the chi that makes a person feel the sensational fulfillment in doing the exercise. With the absence of chi, there can be no tai chi chuan. Chi fills the universe. The universe is chi, thus it should surprise no one to learn that there is chi flowing through the human mind and body. The better the communication and harmonious oneness a person has with the universe, the more chi with which he is gifted.

Tai chi is an art of conserving chi. The secret of tai chi is to harmonize ourselves with the movement of the universe and bring ourselves into accord with the universe itself. Thus, tai chi is the work of giving life to all beings and not struggling or striving with each other.
- H. H. Lui